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Thursday 24 January 2008

My weight loss diary

Well another week gone and another pound down the drain but unfortunately not off my weight !!

I wasn't at all surprised after not losing any over Christmas which just shows how long it takes for your weight gain and loss to take effect. We also went away last weekend to stay with some friends in South Wales and went out for a meal on the Saturday night.

I've been intending to go on the bike every day after my rest but since I put it in the bedroom something has come up which has meant I have only been on it twice. I did find the following day that I suffered some sciatica but it soon settled down so it's not put me off having another go.

I've been looking on line for a weight loss website that is free whereby you can keep a diary of your food intake in calories so that you can then look back and see when, and if you are going wrong and how to change it. I have always found before that keeping a food diary really helps you to see what you are actually consuming in a day but I spend so much time on the Internet that I know I would not find it a problem to fill it in.

I haven't had any luck with trying to find a free one yet as every weight loss site that says its "FREE" always has something you have to pay for even if its not for another month or so. If anyone knows of a free site then please let me know. I am seriously thinking of putting together a book or blog on all the different weight loss sites there are on the Internet and giving them a rating as there are literally hundreds of them. I would also be pleased to hear from anyone who thinks this would be worth doing as it would take me a loooooooong time I'm sure of that.

That's all for this week. I've a fairly quiet week next week so I hope to see the scales moving the other way and a pound or so going off in the right direction. Keep watching .........................

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