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Tuesday 2 February 2010

Feeling rough with the flu!

I've not been hear for a whort while as I've not been to well with a bad throat and cough and everything aching. I was hoping that my appetite would reduce but unfortunately no such luck !!!!!

Anyway,I've not done very well with the diet over the last few days as we had friends for the weekend and went out for lunches and dinner and although feeling awful yesterday I still managed to clear all the food left over and we are out again tonight for my friends birthday.

I really hope I can get my head round it soon as nothing will fit me soon unless it has an elasticated waist and its not that long to my holidays. I've also had a ton of blood tests done today so am keeping my fingers crossed that nothing comes back wrong due to my weight.

Send me some vibes to help me stop thinking about food and getting some weight off please, I am absolutely desperate.

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