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Monday 18 January 2010

My first dieting day

Well I've got through what I always think is the hardest day on a diet - the first day.

WIth it being Monday I kept myself busy with housework this morning then we went out to get some of the specific foods for this 3 day diet and before I knew it, it was 2pm and I hadn't even had my lunch.

The longest wait to me was dinner as we always have a cuppa and something with it at around 4.30ish as we do not have our dinner until around 7pm and I'd say that was the only time today that I was really thinking about food.

So you can see the type of food you have on this three day diet I will give you my food list for today which started of with Breakfast which was half a grapefruit or half an orange and one piece of toast spread with peanut butter (yuk!) Lunch was one cup of Cottage Cheese or Tuna with one slice of toast and Dinner was 3 slices of lean meat (ham for me) with one cup of carrots and one cup of broccoli followed by one cup of ice-cream with an apple (the best bit). Your drinks are clear tea or coffee or water and that's it.

I will of course weigh myself after the three days when I will then be following the usual calorie counting diet. What I did find out today which I didn't realise is that
hunger pangs can actually be thirst pangs so pour yourself a drink of water or a diet drink before you head for the biscuit tin.

Until tomorrow...............

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